Two articles were published in the scientific journal Agriculture in the fourth quarter of the 2022 year: The Delayed Effect of Low-Energy Lignite Organic Matter on the Treatment Optimization of Zea mays L. Grown for Silage 12(10) and Enzymatic Activity of Soil after Applying Mineral Fertilizers and Waste Lignite to Maize Grown for Silage 12(12) co-authored by a doctoral student of the Siedlce University Doctoral School in the discipline of Agriculture and Horticulture, Toczko Rafal, M.Sc.
The latest issue of Życie Siedleckie (issue of 13.01.2023) featured a column entitled Let's not kidnap "bird babies," written by Pawel Cieśluk, M.Sc., a doctoral student in the discipline of biological sciences.
The column raises questions about how to help bird chicks that have found themselves outside the nest.
Karol Remiszewski, M.Sc., a doctoral student at the Siedlce University Doctoral School in the discipline of agriculture and horticulture, was featured in the 4 January 2023 episode of the programme "Agribusiness", which provides up-to-date news from the agri-food industry, stock market quotations and price forecasts, as well as information on domestic and foreign events related to agriculture. He introduced viewers to the opportunities offered by the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA) in the subject of subsidising the purchase of agricultural machinery (from 00:50 to 3:40).
Link to programme
On January 20, 2023, the International Workshop "The damnatio memoriae in the Severan Dynasty" was held, which was organized by the Doctoral School and the Institute of History of the Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities.