Siedlce University 

konkurs fotograficzny Pawe Cieluk

Doctoral student in biological sciences, M. Sc. Paweł Cieśluk participates in many pro-ecological education projects. An activity of this nature is the recently completed photography contest entitled "Birds in the Polish Autumn-Winter Landscape".

It was already the 9th edition of the contest, the originator and the coordinator of which is a doctoral student of our university. The competition is organized by the Ostrów Mazowiecka Association "LUDZIE Z PASJĄ" (People with Passion), whose president is Paweł Cieśluk, M.Sc. On the website of the Association (link to the website), you can find detailed information about the photo contest and other educational projects organized by our doctoral student (Siemianówka, Noc Sów i Zimowe Ptakoliczenie (Night of the Owls and Winter Bird Count) in Ostrów Mazowiecka). We also encourage you to visit the Association's Facebook page (link to Facebook page).