From December 6 to 8, 2024, the 1st National Review of Student Culture took place at the Academic Center for Culture and Arts Od Nowa at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
The event, organized by the Kotłownia Student Activity Center and the NCU Student Government, attracted young artists from all over Poland. Participants showcased their talents across various fields: theater, cabaret, dance, music, film, and visual arts. The program also included workshops and expert-led discussions, providing participants with an opportunity to gain practical knowledge and exchange experiences with professionals.
The organizers invited mgr Jacek Drążkiewicz, a second-year doctoral student in the discipline of literary studies, as one of the experts, along with his auxiliary supervisor, Dr. Eng. Michał Szanduła from the University of Agriculture in Kraków. Dr. Szanduła also serves as the Director of the Center for Culture and Lifelong Learning at the University of Agriculture and as an assistant professor at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Kraków.
This wonderful blend of creativity, passion, and diverse artistic activities will return next year.
Fot. Sara martcinkowska oraz Łukasz Marcinkowski