Siedlce University 



The journal Biodiversity: Research and Conservation has published a new publication by Adam Szulc, M.Sc., a doctoral student in the Doctoral School in the discipline of biological sciences, entitled "New records of protected, threatened, and rare vascular plant species in the Lower Bug Valley (eastern Poland)".

The publication presents new localities and revised published records of protected, rare, and endangered vascular plant species in Mazovia, mainly in the left bank part of the Lower Bug Valley. Protected plants have been recorded (45 species), but also red-listed or regionally rare plants (90 species in total). Adama Szulc, M.A., along with a co-author of the publication, walked a total of more than 5,000 kilometers over two years to acquire more than 1,300 records of protected, rare and endangered plant species. Some of the data from the forests went to forest districts, which have designated (or plan to designate) ecological clumps to protect these sites.

The Editor liked the article so much that a photograph, taken by a doctoral student, of a vanishing species of riverside meadows - the crested meadow pjt. was placed on the cover of the magazine.


link to publication:

New records of protected threatened and rare vascular plant species in the Lower BUg Valley