PhD student of the UwS Doctoral School Katarzyna Jarecka, M.Sc. at the University of Prešov in Slovakia
From 27 to 31 May 2024, a doctoral student at the UwS Doctoral School in the discipline of agriculture and horticulture, Katarzyna Jarecka, M.Sc., took part in a trip to the University of Prešov in Slovakia, implemented as part of the Erasmus+ programme.
Scientific article co-authored by Lukasz Domanski, M.Sc.
Another scientific article has been published, co-authored by Lukasz Domanski, M.Sc., a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of the University of Siedlce, in the discipline
of agriculture and horticulture. The article was published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Joural of Ecological Enfineering (IF2022: 1.3 | CiteScore2022: 2.6 | MNiSW: 70pts | H-index: 27).